Saturday, October 16, 2010

Mental Preparation

That pregnancy is a process that emotional blackmail everyone already knows. Therefore, because of psychiatric conditions can have a big impact on the content of the second baby's parents must prepare themselves mentally to deal with this process. During nine months of pregnancy, usually occurring physiological changes not only in the mother but also on the father of the baby. Here we will give some overview about these changes, so that you as a married couple can anticipate change and prepare yourself well.
Compared with men, women tend to more quickly react to any conditions that it faces. During pregnancy there is a big change in itself alone a woman, which if she is not able to adjust to these changes can be made quickly to stress. Whereas many studies prove that physical health conditions was strongly influenced by mental health conditions. This means that in case of psychiatric disorders during pregnancy, it can affect the physical health, where the physical health of pregnant women is closely related to the health of the fetus. In addition, some studies also prove that the mother's psychiatric condition also can affect the mental condition and character of the baby when born.

Financial Preparation

Here we provide some references that can be used in planning for your pregnancy:
1. Pregnancy is predictable
Enter a question of cost is in talks your pregnancy alone, even before you get married. The cost of pregnancy is part of the cost of married life. You want your child to get something of the best in any field.
2. Health costs
In particular the cost of consultation and delivery. Look for information about what is the standard requirement during pregnancy and childbirth. Do not get too excessive. Do not hesitate to ask anyone who you think can provide important information for you, including the clinic or hospital.
3. Income married couples
For those of you who earn big, so big a small delivery fee will not be a problem. Different story if the income mediocre or less then this would be a problem.

2. Medical Solutions-2

c. Therapy of artificial pregnancy
This is a therapy that uses the tools of technological sophistication and knowledge in the field of biogenetic. The most commonly practiced are:
- Artificial insemination
This can be regarded as the simplest technique. The trick is the husband issued a sperm and then stored in special storage media. After the sperm is inserted into the atomizer, which by an expert then inserted into the cervical opening. From there the sperm will swim alone to targets, and is expected to fertilize eggs in the cervix canal.
- In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
This program is better known as the "test tube baby." The process is through the union of sperm and

Friday, October 15, 2010

2. Medical Solutions

If non-medical solution fails, it means you need to involve professionals, namely the professional and expert in fertility. In general there are few medical solutions that can be offered to the patient's infertility.
a. Drug therapies
The drugs most widely used for treatment of infertility is clomiphene (clomid, Serophene). These drugs are usually the first choice, especially for those who have irregular menstruation or menstrual cycle length. But this course must be consumed through the advice and supervision of a physician.
b. Hormonal therapy
Hormonal therapy or terms particularly superovulation, meaning that the approach by manipulating the LH (luteinizing hormone) and

Thursday, October 14, 2010

c. Noting weight

For men with excess weight problems can interfere with testicular temperature. To function maximum temperature of the testes must remain intact. If the body is too fat in the body temperature around the testes will "heat up" and disrupt the process of spermatogenesis. For women, weight problems, especially related to the production of estrogen hormone produced by fat. Hormonal disorders can cause menstrual irregularities.

d. Running a healthy lifestyle

Your healthy lifestyle also affect your fertility terhadapt. Cigarettes and alcohol to be something most commonly found around us.

b. Noting the time and means intercourse

Try to perform intercourse on his wife's fertile period. Wife's fertile period is when she is ovulating. To find out could by knowing their body temperatures are usually warmer, you can also see the mucus (fluid in the vagina), and based on the menstrual calendar. Menstrual calendar fertility in women who generally have 28 day menstrual cycle is fourteen days after the first day of menstruation. How to intercourse is also decisive in the process of pregnancy, in which intercourse is the best way is what makes semen can enter all into the uterus without any holes is wasted.

a. Attention to nutrition

Those who want a very fertile need to consider nutrition issues, not only for his wife but also her husband. Avoid foods diet weight control. Choose a healthy and balanced diet that contains lots of protein, fatty acids esensian, minerals and vitamins.
These substances are found mainly in foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains (cereals). Try these food ingredients into the daily diet. Caloric intake should be adjusted to the needs of the body. Choose foods that are fresh, and note also how its processing so that nutrients contained in it is not damaged. Try to vary the foods you eat, not to eat the same food continuously.